Joe H.

"I approached Zac approximately 2 years ago on the recommendation of a friend.  At our first meeting, Zac was quite keen on assessing my goals for training. It was also quite obvious that Zac was interested in an evidence-based approach to working out and nutrition.  When I started with Zac, I was 51 years old and attempting to rehab a knee that underwent meniscus surgery a year and a half earlier. The surgery and physical therapy afterward were successful; however, my leg was quite atrophied and my knee still in pain.  I was also nursing a lower back injury that would flare up 3 or 4 times a year and be quite painful, affecting me at work. I had been doing both cardio and weight training on my own for the previous 15 years and was in decent shape. It's now 2 years later, I have gained over 15 pounds of lean muscle mass, my knee has zero pain, my back has no pain and feels better than ever.  How did this happen? Well, if you sign up with Zac, be prepared to work and change your dietary habits. My program had specific goals that Zac has met and exceeded, and I highly recommend him."

Bill W.

"Coming off a knee injury and concerned about what my body could handle, Zac has put together the perfect program for me to achieve great gains while not injuring myself.  The overall experience has been great, focusing on modern techniques, good form, and proper nutrition in a family-like atmosphere that you don't get at most gyms."


"A buddy of mine recommended Zac to get past some strength plateaus I’ve had for some years now. As a result of working with him for only a few months I’m stronger than I’ve ever been. I’ve hit PR’s in squat, deadlift and bench. His programming is simple to follow and he’s always available for questions. I’d recommend Zac to anyone who wants more from their training or feels like they are stuck."

John Z.

"I initially started working out with Zac because he was starting up a new program at Crossfit Bloomington Normal and I was interested in training with Zac.  When I started working out with Zac my goal was to lose some body fat and gain strength. That is exactly what Zac helped me do. I lost some body fat and gained strength at the same time.  I hit personal records in just about every lift especially my squat and deadlift! Zac put me on a great diet and always had important information and tips to help me through the diet. The best thing I liked about working with Zac is how personal he was with each of his clients.  He would always keep me on track and if I wasn’t doing something right he would have no problem telling me. I have gained a lot of information from Zac that I will be able to use for the rest of my life. The number 1 reason I would recommend working with Zac is because there were multiple days where I would have just wasted my time in the gym, but when I was training with Zac he would get me right back on track and push me through a very tough workout.  His workouts were always tough and I never felt like I was just wasting my time. If you are looking to get “swole” or just get your diet on track I HIGHLY recommend Zac."

Janet H.

"Zac is an amazing trainer and fitness coach!  He is super knowledgeable of health and nutrition, and understands the science behind a SUCCESSFUL fitness program.  I’ve been working with Zac for about 3 months now and I couldn’t be happier with my progress. I was a little bit apprehensive working with him at first because I’m an older woman (52), but he has done so much more for my overall fitness than I ever thought was possible, and I couldn’t be happier!  My whole body is stronger and more toned and I have fewer aches and pains. Plus, he knows about nutrition and has helped me develop a balanced diet of proteins, carbs & fat. He is a true professional of his craft and genuinely wants all his clients to succeed. If you want true results, I recommend you sign up with Zac.  You won’t be disappointed."

Sharry O.

"I started working with Zac five months ago.   I can not speak highly enough about my experience and training with him.   Over the years my husband and I noticed our decline in strength and endurance. It was affecting our ski trips with our children and usually resulted in injury.  We also were experiencing fatigue, poor nutrition, and trouble keeping up with a hectic lifestyle. In general, we were becoming a typical family that was relying on quick fast food type meals on our way to various activities.  Our health was suffering for it. My husband and I realized we needed a change and wanted to set good examples for our children! We wanted to enjoy ski trips and other activities as a family, healthy.  There were many reason that I elicited Zac for help. I was interested in the nutritional counseling as well as the strengthening component. He was very understanding of our family’s need to improve nutrition and adapted a program that would work for us.  In general, we have enjoyed learning about proper nutrition and ways to obtain that in a busy world we live in. It is has been gratifying to change how we eat! Our family now has healthy meals together, most of the time! The children are trying new foods and recognizing good choices they can make for their bodies too. In general, we are all learning what ways we can help our bodies and doing it as a family.  I am happy to say, as result, we have more energy and stamina! Zac has been instrumental in helping with my strength and endurance.  He made a program that met my goals and needs. He was very adaptable to times and days to fit in our training.   With a prior ACL surgical repair, he was knowledgeable with my weaknesses and helpful in ways to help compensate for my lack of strength.  As weeks continued on, he identified areas to work on that would help skiing and other sports I enjoy. I was amazed by the difference in my ability with our last ski trip!  I was on the mountain longer, did more runs with my kids and much less fatigued! I still have work ahead of me and will continue working with Zac. He has inspired me and my family to eat better, stay active and keep working hard! I can not wait to see what next years ski season will be like!"

Maria G.

"Did you ever wake up one morning and realize that you were finally that adult that you always wanted to be… and then you realize you don’t really know what being an adult means… Because now you are able to eat WHATEVER you want, go to bed WHENEVER you want, play and do ALL THE FUN STUFF ALL THE TIME… except you don’t have the metabolism, stamina, etc., etc. you once had…  Hello milestone birthday, aka slap in the face! This is the point where I insert Zac into my story!  I needed help with the basics, when to eat, what to eat and definitely how much.  Calories in vs calories out is the general equation for losing weight, HOWEVER, there are so many nuances to this simple equation that Zac has the patience of a saint to explain to his clients!  He has seen me at my lowest point of binge eating a Sam’s Club bottle of vitamin gummies (only sugar in my house) to now ensuring I’m eating my macros at the appropriate time and in accordance with my level of workout intensity for the day. After Zac helped me graduate from an ice cream, jelly bean and sour patch kid’s dinner to a macro based eating life style, came the actual workouts.  MY did I have a lot of grasshopper moments in this space! I had been doing HIIT and long distance running for years. When I worked out, I wanted to be dead tired when I finished and thought I needed to be, to see results.  The first couple of weeks, I lifted angry because I was struggling to get the same level of perceived intensity. In some cases I was truly starting at ground zero, thank goodness the gains starting rolling on in! Every theory I tested on Zac, he was able to explain to me why my theory was flawed!  Just because I want a linear weight progression on every lift, my body doesn’t work that way, or just because I randomly believe the band has four pounds of tension does not mean if I lose 4lbs that I will be able to do all the unassisted pull-ups…. Did I mention patience of a saint that truly can explain all the whys?!?!? There are no shortcuts for long term success when you are trying to lose weight and gain muscle.  It’s a marathon not a sprint. My journey is not over, I have baby muscles that need to be fed, I have PR’s I want to hit, and I have a squat that needs to get to depth, BUT I have come a long way.  Zac keeps me focused on my goals and when my over analytical self kicks in, he give me “the look” that tells me he knows I can do it and that I have to stop thinking and just do it."


"Zac was recommended by some mutual friends to help me get back on track after "protesting" fitness for 5 years. I had previously been an elite athlete for over 12 years. Zac is very knowledgeable about how to help reach goals and he knows the best path to get people there. He knows how to address different body types, personalities, and lifestyles. Zac is very personable, motivating, gracious, encouraging, and tough. After the first 3 months of personal training and specialized nutrition plans, I lost fat, gained muscle, and could see changes in my appearance. Unfortunately, I couldn't afford it financially to continue individual training. Zac was willing to write my workouts for my own gym at a cheaper cost. We still check in every month for new programming and sporadically talk for any training needs. Every 3 months I continue to weigh in and see progress in numbers and appearance. I am fitting into my clothes better, have more energy, and am gaining my confidence back. As I get stronger and lift heavier, I have more motivation to reach my goals. I continually struggle to follow my diet but I know that if I want to see results that's my biggest weakness."

Jimmy S.

"I’ve lifted weights most of my life but I can confidently say that I had no clue what I was really doing in the gym until I started training with Zac. After years of hitting plateaus in the gym, Zac has completely turned that around and pushed me to break through previous physical limits. Over the past 2 years I’ve learned an incredible amount from him on everything from the science of nutrition to how and why I should be doing certain lifts. While Zac continues to physically challenge me in every way possible, he also creates very easy to follow work out routines and daily nutritional goals. He is constantly mixing up my workouts while always progressing from the month before. Zac has pushed me to move more weight than ever before and most importantly, he has made working out fun and something to look forward to every day. I highly recommend Zac to any person interested in improving their workouts, no matter what their experience level may be. Zac is the man and he KNOWS HIS STUFF!"

Mike T.

"Zac came highly recommended to me and he has far exceeded my expectations. At the beginning of our time together, Zac focused on my needs and objectives. With that in mind, he crafted a series of workouts tailored to me and my needs. He has also been very informative about nutrition without over-complicating the recommendations.

Zac will challenge you and push you, while still making the workouts fun and rewarding. He also keeps things fresh by using a wide variety of exercises. Add to this, the depth of his knowledge comes through loud and clear.

I would recommend Zac to anyone who is serious about physical training and improving their strength, endurance and flexibility."

Ready for a change?

If you are ready to make a lifestyle change, please fill out the coaching intake form and I will get back to you within 3 business days.